
These are downloadable zipped shapefiles or links to zipped shapefiles or REST Services.

Aerial Orthophotography

For aerial orthophotography, contact the County Engineer's office for a DVD set for the whole county.

Open Data

Visit our ArcGIS Open Data page

With ArcGIS Open Data, you can view it, map it, style it, chart it, download it or share it. How you use it is entirely up to you! Open Data utilizes our web services and is our most up-to-date source.

You'll have access to:

  • Parcels
  • Road Centerlines
  • Elevtion Data
  • Survey Plats
  • Address Points

Ohio Department of Transportation

ODOT has over 100 datasets available for download in the form of Excel, KML/KMZ, Shapefile, and Geodatabase. The datasets are broken into six categories, Assets, Boundaries, Roadway Information, Projects, Strategic Transportation System and Environmental. Datasets are downloaded as single compressed zip file.

ODOT Data Download

Map Request Form

Name: Organization:
Phone: Email:
Map Type:
Description of Area or Location Requested and/or Special Request: (Address, Tax Map Number, Bounding Streets, etc.)
Custom Map/Data Layers (check all that apply)

Map Title:
Commonly Requested Labels:

Size Cost
(printed only)