Aerial Mapping

The County of Belmont assumes no liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly as a result of errors, omissions, or discrepancies.


The information in this web site is provided and hosted by Belmont County, Ohio. By clicking "Continue" you are accepting of the terms and conditions set forth in this disclaimer. The data and maps provided herein may not be construed as a legal document or legal representation. Any person or entity who relies on this data does so solely at their own risk. The data provided was prepared by the Belmont County Engineer in accordance with Section 5713.09 of the Ohio Revised Code. Neither Belmont County, Ohio nor its employees or officers warrant the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of any of the data provided herein. This data is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, and assumes no legal responsibility for the information within this website. Users noting errors or omissions are encouraged to contact the Belmont County GIS Director

If you agree to these conditions and want to access the aerial mapping, click the link below. Otherwise, click your back button to return to the previous page.

Belmont County, Ohio Aerial Mapping


List of Layers

  • Survey Plat
  • Recorded Plat
  • Belco LZs
  • Community
  • Road Closures
  • Custom
  • Road Centerline
  • Municipality
  • Fire Hydrant
  • Address
  • Creeks
  • Spot Elevation
  • Contour (10 Feet) Elevation
  • Contour (50 Feet) Elevation
  • VoterPrecinct
  • ODNR C & D Permits
  • SSURGO Spoil Soils
  • School District
  • Fire District
  • Colerain-Pease
  • Township & Corporation
  • Township
  • PLSS Section
  • Parcel
  • Subdivision
  • St. Clairsville Zoning
  • 2006 Aerial (beta)
  • 2016 Aerial
  • 2017 Aerial
  • 2019 Aerial
  • 2020 Aerial
  • 2020 OSIP Aerial
  • 2021 Aerial